marți, 29 mai 2012

The judge, only administering correctly and fully the evidences, can know the real relations between the parties, the facts that generated the conflict between them, and then, based on the evidences, to apply correctly the law to the investigated case

    The samples
          Civil process is usually a contentious process which can not be solved only by the claims of the parties, the judge being able to make conviction on the evidences.
          Therefore, evidences have a particular importance in solving the account with which it was apprised the civil court, because without evidences is virtually impossible to give the judgment, without the proof of what is said.
          The judge, only administering correctly and fully the evidences, can know the real relations between the parties, the facts that generated the conflict between them, and then, based on the evidences, to apply correctly the law to the investigated case.
          Motivating the decision - in which judges must demonstrate logically the full consistent between solution of the respective case and reality. Motivation must be clear and simple, precise, concise and firm.

The investor tries to sell at auction the houses of the block S9-S9 ̍from Street Piața Unirii (Union Square), no. 4, no documents, in late 1998 and fails. At the auction it does not list anyone

Town council did not inventorize blocks of flats at various stages of completion in 1997 in Zlatna town.
          The town hall refuses to give me the authorization of construction of the block across the street from town hall.
          The investor did not prepare the technical book of the construction.
          The investment includes collective appartments with commercial housings projected on the basis of unique, grouped into two segments Block S9-S9  ̍P (first floor) + 4 floors.
          The objective of this investment is part of the downtown area Zlatna boarding the square of  civic center on the eastern side, is said in the supporting statement of the project.
          The works were carried out between 1985-1999 when the block was put into unfinished.
          The investor was able to sell building, currently under construction, in 1992, by public auction.
          Violating the regulations, the town council continues to contract for a work.
It did not inventory blocks of housing there were in various stages of completion in 1997 in Zlatna town
The investor tries to sell at auction the houses of the block S9-S9  ̍from Street Piața Unirii (Union Square), no. 4, no documents, in late 1998 and fails. At the auction it does not list anyone.
          I asked to the town hall the documents the borrowing for amounts advanced up from special deposit of the local council of the Zlatna town to achieve housing of block S9-S9' from Zlatna, Street Union Square, no. 4, Alba (White) County, concluded with natural persons provided in art. 7 of Law no. 114/1996, housing law, through the delegated administrator by the local authority under existing laws.
          The local council has not shown the list covering the number, structure on the number of rooms and location of housings, and list of beneficiaries of housing, in order of priority established under art. 7 of Law no. 114/1996 housing law, at its headquarters from the Zlatna town.
          Violating regulations, the council distributes the appartments of the block S9-S9  ̍after it failed to sell at auction, without to fulfill legal obligation the acceptance of construction works and their installation.
          Town hall Zlatna refuses to give me all assignment orders for the 28 apartments of the block S9-S9  ̍, contracts for housing block.
          The branching/connection the water users from block S9-S9  ̍, Street Union Square, no. 4, to public water and sewer was finally released without the notice of the operator. The operator has not complied with the procedure of branching, violating the laws.

Prefects will organize screening these cases and will referal the courts for the nullity and restore the previous situation. From the amounts that give back the buyers it will hold back the rent for the period of the contract and before the refund. The reimbursed amounts are not interest bearing and not updated

The housing built with state funds can be purchased by owners of rental contracts, with payment in full or in installments of the price, under Decree-law no. 61/1990 on the sale of housing built with state funds by population and this law. 
Sale-purchase contracts concluded in breach of decree-law no. 61/1990 and this law is absolute void.
      The nullity may be invoked by any person in any way.
Prefects will organize screening these cases and will referal the courts for the nullity and restore the previous situation. From the amounts that give back the buyers it will hold back the rent for the period of the contract and before the refund. The reimbursed amounts are not interest bearing and not updated. (article 1, paragraph 1, article 19 of Law no. 85/1992 on the sale of housing and the spaces with another destination built with state funds and budgetary funds or state entities)

Accounting, as specialized activity in the measurement, the evaluation, the knowledge, the management and the control of the assets, liabilities and equity and results of activity to legal persons and natural persons referred to in art. 1 must provide chronological and systematic recording, processing, publish and maintain information on financial position, financial performance and cash flows, both for their domestic needs and relationships with present and potential investors, financial and commercial creditors, customers, public institutions and other users

Art. 1. - (1) Societies, companies/national companies, autonomous, national institutes of research and development, cooperatives and other legal entities for profit are required to organize and run their own accounting, financial accounting that under this law, and management accounting adapted to the specific activity.
Article 2. - (1) Accounting, as specialized activity in the measurement, the evaluation, the knowledge, the  management and the control of the assets, liabilities and equity and results of activity to legal persons and natural persons referred to in art. 1 must provide chronological and systematic recording, processing, publish and maintain information on financial position, financial performance and cash flows, both for their domestic needs and relationships with present and potential investors, financial and commercial creditors, customers, public institutions and other users.
Article 6. - (1) Any economic and financial operation performed at the time they are recorded in a document underlying accounting records, thus providing a supporting document quality.   (art. 1 alin. 1, art. 2 alin. 1, art. 6 alin. 1, 2, art. 8 alin. 1, art. 9 alin. 1 și art. 10 alin. 1 din Legea nr. 82/1991, legea contabilității)
          (2) Supporting documents underlying accounting records of persons liable worked out, endorsed and approved, and those which have accounted for as appropriate.
          Article 8. - (1) Persons referred to in art. 1 are required to conduct a general inventory of assets and liabilities held at the beginning of, at least once a year during their operation, the merger or closure, as well as in other cases provided by law.
          Article 9. - (1) Valuation of inventory and presentation held during their annual financial statements are the rules and accounting regulations.
          Article 10. - (1) Official documents of presenting economic and financial situation of persons referred to in art. 1 are the annual financial statements, which must reflect accurately the financial position, financial performance, cash flows and other information related to work. (art. 1 par 1, art. 2 par 1, art. 6 par 1, 2, art. 8 par 1, art. 9 par 1 și art. 10 par 1 of Law no. 82/
1991, Accounting Law)

Provisions of public order are of interest, in their totality, mandatory rules, which can not be departed from contract under the sanction of nullity

Provisions of public order are of interest, in their totality, mandatory rules, which can not be departed from contract under the sanction of nullity. Here we shall include the total legal rules and the generally principles of law, and which establish economic and social order.
          Absolute nullity may be invoked by anyone has interested, this means that practically it can invoke absolute nullity: the parties, their assignees, the prosecutor, the court ex officio, the competent public authorities etc., in a word anyone who justifies or claims any interest.
Absolute nullity can be invoked at any time, consequential by action or by exception, beeing inprescriptible.
Absolute nullity can not be covered by by express or implied confirmation.
Absolute nullities have in view the lack of an essential element of the legal act (consent, object, cause, form), either disregarding any imperative disposition and prohibitive of the law and of the rules of social life and their invocation can be made by any interested person, it can not be confirmed and are inalienable.

luni, 28 mai 2012

We ask respectfully to Mr. President of the Third Section of the European Court of Human Rights to prolong the deadline (29 May 2012), on order to depose the result of checks and the measures ordered against the bailiff Baba Teodor by the prosecutor’s office under the court of appeal Alba Iulia

Mr. Santiago Quesada
Registrar of the Third Section
of The European Court of Human Rights,
Strasbourg, France

29 May 2012

We ask respectfully to Mr. President of the Third Section of the European Court of Human Rights to prolong the deadline (29 May 2012), on order to depose the result of checks and the measures ordered against the bailiff Baba Teodor by the prosecutor’s office under the court of appeal Alba Iulia.
The complaint formulated by my wife Daniela Căpitan was registered to the service registry, record office, archive and public relations with the number 8800/2011 since 4 November 2011 at the national anticorruption directorate Bucharest and this sent it to the prosecutor’s office under the court of appeal Alba Iulia.
The corrupt prosecutor’s office didn’t communicate us the result of checks and the measures ordered against bailiff Baba.
We sent you the application of just satisfaction with the annexes by e-mail (

Marcel Căpitan

duminică, 20 mai 2012

marți, 15 mai 2012

Alte operațiuni de încasări, data documentului 4 aprilie 2006

Alte operațiuni de încasări, data documentului 4 aprilie 2006

Alte operațiuni de încasări

Meteo luna ianuarie 2006, data documentului 4 aprilie 2006

Consemnare, data documentului 3 martie 2006

Consemnare, data documentului 3 martie 2006

Consemnare, data documentului 18 ianuarie 2006

Consemnare prestare servicii octombrie, noiembrie 2005, data documentului 13 ianuarie 2006

Consemnare chirie apartament luna noiembrie 2005, data documentului 27 decembrie 2005

Consemnare reprezentînd chirie octombrie 2005, data documentului 24 noiembrie 2005

Consemnare chirie apartament, data documentului 3 noiembrie 2005

Complotul securității. Revoluția trădată din România

În istoria recentă a Europei nu s-au mai pomenit atîția oameni trădați ca în decembrie 1989. Mai înainte și mai presus de toate, a fost trădat poporul român, care a trebuit să plătească revoluția sa trădată cu sacrificiul sîngelui a (oficial) 1033 de morți și a mii de răniți. Au mai fost trădați apoi cei de bună-credință din vest, care, în atmosfera festivă din preajma crăciunului, au jubilat la vestea fulgerătoarei căderi a penultimei dictaturi din răsăritul continentului și au sprijinit-o cu tone de ajutoare; erau aceiași care pînă atunci susținuseră, decenii de-a rîndul, cursul anti-moscovit al conducătorului, confundîndu-l, în mod consecvent, cu drumul spre democrație. A fost, în sfîrșit, trădată presa mondială, care s-a lăsat dirijată și exploatată ca un copil nepriceput.
Personal mă consider o parte a acestei categorii.
Tîrziu, în după-amiaza zilei de 22 decembrie 1989, zburam, alarmați, cu o echipă a televiziunii austriece la București. Cu cinci ore mai înainte, Nicolae Ceaușescu fugise de pe acoperișul clădirii comitetului central. După Praga și Berlin, iată că se trezise și Bucureștiul! De la 18 decembrie, agențiile internaționale anunțau că Timișoara, cel dintîi oraș liber din România, s-ar fi ridicat, plătindu-și revolta cu mii de morți. Puțin mai tîrziu se raportase detaliat despre „teroriști” care încercau să-l libereze pe conducătorul capturat. Nenumărați fanatici bine instruiți ar fi intrat în acțiune – așa eram informați la 26 decembrie, cînd cumplita bătălie de mult se terminase – mai ales de către reprezentanții noului „front al salvării naționale”. Lipsit de orice scrupule, dictatorul ar fi avut pe conștiință peste 60000 de oameni, se jeluia procurorul Dan Voinea, în timpul senzaționalului proces televizat împotriva cuplului Ceaușescu.
Nimic din toate acestea nu era adevărat. Nu au existat 60000 de victime! Nici măcar un singur „terorist arab” nu luptase pentru revenirea despotului! Dar chiar și fuga dictatorului fusese o parte a spectacolului revoluționar, înscenat cu măiestrie!
Cu mult înaintea izbucnirii tulburărilor, sinistra „secu” începuse deja să lucreze la planurile viitoarei răsturnări. Ion Iliescu, un ambițios și unul dintre cei debarcați de la putere, dar avînd mai ales bune legături cu armata, fost „om politic de viitor” și un timp chiar urmașul desemnat al lui Ceaușescu, se prezenta ca un candidat ideal pentru viitoarea conducere.
De după cortină, Moscova înrîurea și ea lucrurile discret.
Dar complotiștii de la București nu conspiraseră în numele libertății și împotriva tiraniei! Dimpotrivă, domnii Iliescu, Măgureanu și compania s-au pus în mișcare doar pentru a menține puterea nomenclaturii. Dictatorul devenise de nesuportat, deci trebuia să dispară, nu însă și dictatura. Acest proiect al comuniștilor a reușit pe deplin, dar a trebuit plătit cu un preț dureros, suportat de poporul chemat la revoltă.
Această realitate nu a putut fi clintită de promisiunile lipsite de conținut ale „frontului”. Laurii preliminari pe care vestul i-a decernat pseudo-democratului Iliescu, s-au risipit definitiv în iunie 1990! Trei săptămîni după succesul său în alegeri zîmbărețul președinte consimțea, în urma unor amenințări virulente, ca opoziția democratică să fie ciomăgită fără milă.
Desigur că mass-mediile internaționale au fost și ele co-actori involuntari ai tragediei românești din decembrie.
Mai ales televiziunile au mințit și au înșelat – deși neintenționat.
Eu personal nu mă exclud de la această învinuire.
Securitatea, însă a condus revoluția cu rafinament, dar și în mod diletant, autoritar și arogant. De-abia în timpul cercetărilor necesare scrierii acestei cărți mi-a devenit și mie limpede gama largă a tehnicii de lucru folosită de „serviciul de siguranță”, care mergea de la minciuna sfruntată la amenințarea deschisă. ...